Joining - Adult Leaders
Scouting is a youth-run program. However, learning how to lead and plan does not usually come naturally. The scouts need guidance in their efforts. This does not mean that they need to follow all the suggestions given to them by adults; it means that they probably could use some suggestions so that they can begin to make up their own minds.
The primary adult providing leadership and training for the scouts is the Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster is the adviser to the Troop
Leaders Council (TLC) and reserves the right to veto anything that he believes would be harmful to the troop or contrary to the Rules
and Regulations of the BSA. The wise Scoutmaster, however, will seldom have to exercise this authority. He should guide the Troop Leaders
Council with careful suggestions and mature insights. In this way the council will be trained to appreciate good judgment in activities
and programs, as well as planning and executing the programs that it creates.
The Scoutmaster also conducts Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) training twice a year for all scouts taking a new leadership position. Every six months the troop conducts elections for the new troop positions.
Assistant Scoutmaster
The first line of adult support for the Scoutmaster is the Assistant Scoutmaster. In Troop 777, the Assistant Scoutmasters are adults that:
- Are uniformed.
- Have demonstrated their willingness and ability to work with a number of scouts, not just their son/daughter.
- Have taken Scoutmaster Training.
- Are recommended by the Scoutmaster.
Troop Committee
All adults are encouraged to become registered members of the troop. When registering for the first time, they are registered as
Committee Members. In Troop 777, the Committee Member position can be a stepping stone to an Assistant Scoutmaster position by doing
the steps mentioned for Assistant Scoutmaster. Or the Committee Member can be an adult who works under the direction of the Committee
Chair whose primary responsibility is supporting the Scoutmaster in delivering a quality troop program and handling troop administration.
A common position for a new adult leader planning to work with the scouts is that of Patrol Advisor (both Assistant Scoutmasters and Committee Members can be Patrol Advisors). A Patrol Advisor is an adult who provides guidance to a patrol - the Advisor does not run the patrol. The goal is to have an Advisor for each patrol. This will usually be a parent whose son is in that patrol.
Adult Assignments
Responsibilities of Assistant Scoutmasters and Patrol Advisors depend on the qualifications and interests of the respective adult. Examples of responsibilities include:
- Serve as the troop leader in the absence of the Scoutmaster.
- Be responsible to the Scoutmaster for program and activities of the troop.
- Participate in monthly camping/hiking activities of the troop and provide assistance as requested by the Scoutmaster.
- Work with the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader in administering troop operations.
- Work with Webelos Den leaders related to the Troop.
- Coordinate joint Webelos Den-Troop activities.
- Be responsible for the troop's participation in district and council activities.
- Attend training courses and District roundtable.
- Be responsible for the care of all troop equipment.
- Serve as an adviser for a patrol.
- Serve as a resource person for the patrol.
- Attend patrol meetings regularly (patrol meetings are held at troop meetings).
- Involve the resources of the Scout families to benefit the troop.
- Support the Patrol Leader with advice and counseling.
- Aid the Patrol Leader in planning activities.
- Report to the Scoutmaster on patrol needs.
Adult Recognition
All uniformed leaders in Troop 777 receive the same recognition patches that the scouts receive for attending activities such as hikes, camporees, and other special events. They also receive year pins at the Court of Honor (March, June, September and December) following their anniversary date.
Additionally, adults can earn leadership recognition commonly known as Leader Knots:
Scouter's Training Award: Requirements
Scoutmaster's Award of Merit: Requirements
Scoutmaster's Key: Requirements
Adults are also eligible for the Veteran's Award. This award recognizes an adult for tenure in Scouting; adult and youth years.