The Scout uniform stands for the brotherhood of Scouting, for the Scout ideals, and for outdoor life. It shows that the Scout belongs
to the biggest youth organization in the world. We wear the uniform because it is a means of identifying ourselves openly with the
principles to which we are committed - to build character, to foster citizenship and to develop fitness.
Here is useful troop document that explains all the elements of the uniform: Troop Uniforms
When joining Troop 777, there is a fee that covers the following items. These are usually presented to the scout when they transition from Webelos to Scouts.
- Troop Neckerchief
- Neckerchief Slide
- Green Shoulder Loops
- Troop T-shirt
- Troop "Magnificent Sevens" Ball Cap
- Patrol Patch
- Troop Numberals Patch (single strip) with integrated "50 Year" strip
- Scout Handbook
The joining fee also covers the following items, which are presented to the Scout as follows:
- Name Badge - The name badge is specially ordered and is presented as soon as they are received.
- Troop Beret - The beret is presented to the Scout upon attaining the "Scout" rank.
- Campaign Hat - The coveted campaign hat (the smokey-the-bear hat) is presented to all Scouts that have completed the National Youth Leadership Training course provided by Council.
If you already have any of the above items, the joining fee will be reduced accordingly.
Upon joining, the following Scout uniform is requested within two weeks after acceptance into the Troop:
- Scout short sleeve shirt.
- Scout pants with zippered bottoms.
- Scout belt.
- Scout socks (green), any length.
- Dark colored hiking boots. NO TENNIS SHOES!
- Council shoulder patch.
- World Crest of Scouting (circular purple patch with the white fleur de lis).
- Centennial ring patch (goes around the outside of the World Crest).
Patch Placement
Left Sleeve
- Council Shoulder Patch (CSP): Worn by all Scouts directly below the shoulder seam. Any Greater Los Angeles Area Council shoulder patch can be worn.
- Unit Numbers: A green "777" embroidered on tan background. Worn directly below and touching the council patch.
- Badge of Office: A round patch signifying the current troop position of the Scout. A troop position is usually held for six months and should only be worn while active in the position. Worn directly below the unit numbers.
- Trained: This "Trained" patch signifies that the Scout has attended the introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) and has been trained in their current position.
Right Sleeve
- U.S. Flag: The US flag comes sewn on the uniform when purchased.
- Patrol Emblem: This round patch signifies the patrol that the Scout belongs to. It is worn 3/8" below the US flag.
- National Honor Patrol Star: This is patch that is earned by a patrol. When earned, it is worn directly around and touching the patrol patch.
- Journey to Excellence Award: Embroidered cloth patch worn by Scouts and leaders in troops who meet the criteria for the award. Worn centered on the sleeve 1/2" below the patrol patch.
Left Pocket
- World Crest: The 1 1/2" diameter badge is white on a violet background. The emblem should be worn centered horizontally above the left pocket and placed vertically centered between the top shoulder seam and the top of the pocket.
Service Stars: Gold metallic numbered star worn with colored background to indicate years of service in Scouting. The service
stars are worn 3/8" above the pocket or any earned square knot.
- All Cub Scout: Gold background with the year pin corresponding to the total number of years the scout was a Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, or Arrow of Light.
- Scout: Green background with the corresponding year pin for service in the Scout troop.
- Adult Leader: Light blue background with the corresponding year pin for leadership in Scouting
- Scout Rank: The badge of rank is worn centered on the pocket above the Arrow of Light Award.
- Arrow of Light: A Cub Scout earning the highest Cub Scout award, the Arrow of Light, may wear this patch on their Scout uniform directly below rank patch.
Right Pocket
- Jamboree Patch: An earned jamboree patch worn above the name badge.
- Name Badge: The name badge is worn directly above BSA or interpreter strip.
- Interpreter Strip: This is an earned patch by Scouts who meet the requirements for any language.
- Pocket Flap: A Scout who has been elected into the Order of the Arrow wears the OA Lodge patch.
- Pocket Patch: Any camp or high adventure patch can be worn centered on the pocket.
- Recruiter: An earned patch for recruiting a new member into the Troop.