Troop/Patrol Elections

Next elections: February 27, 2024

Submit Applications by: February 26, 11:59p


  • Scout:
    • Read the Troop Leadership Positions/Responsiblities document
    • Inform your parent/guardian of your decision to be a candidate for your desired leadership position(s).
    • Fill out the form below. Note there are 3 tabs that each have required fields.
    • Check the box at the bottom to indicate that you understand the duties and responsibilities for the position(s) you've selected.
  • Parent:
    • Check the box at the bottom to indicate that you agree with, and will support, your Scout's decision.


Scout Information
Phone Number
Attendance. Get from Troop Scribe records.
List your three choices
For your first choice, use this space to tell why you want this position, how you would do the job, and why you are the best choice for this position.
Scout's Agreement I have read the job descriptions for the stated positions, as outlined in the "Troop Leadership Positions/Responsibilities". I understand their requirements and have met them in full.
I understand the duties and responsibilities of my selected position(s), and if selected will carry them out to the best of my ability. I also understand that I may be removed from office if I fail to perform any of my duties or responsibilities.
Parent's Support Agreement I have read and understand the duties, responsibilities, and requirements for the position(s) my son/daughter is seeking and I agree with the commitment he/she is making. I promise to support him/her in attending training, troop meetings, and troop activities as well as with encouragement at home. I realize that once selected, his/her presence is necessary for the smooth functioning of the Troop.